Blogging English 2

Monday, October 09, 2006

Welcome message from Sarah

Hi everyone! I'm Sarah and I'll be your guide on our journey through the blogoshpere in English.
To start this new experience we're all going to introduce ourselves, so let me start.

I'm American and have been teaching English to engineering students at the University of Padova since 1995 (how time flies!). You all will be my first experience at the University teaching non-scientific students so you may have to help me along at times.

As far as work is concerned I'm interested in how technology can be used to improve language learning and testing. I'm especially intrigued by anything open source or free or where there are virtual global communities of learners and hobbyists. If you're interested, here's are a few links to resources that talk about using new social software for educational purposes. What is a blog, Weblogs in Higher Education, Weblogg-ed.

In my free time, I play with my two boys, go swimming, study (don't think it'll end when you graduate) and like reading. I don't watch TV but I listen to the radio all the time, so if you make reference to TV programmes or stars I probably won't understand :-(

I can't wait to read about all of you!



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